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Creating a Planning Session

  1. Enter Session Name

  2. The session would be in Synchronous Mode by default for real-time estimation, but you can set the Async Toggle ON to enable Asynchronous mode

  3. Add the names of Estimators

  4. Add the list of Watchers, who will observe the planning without providing any estimation

Only users who are Members can be added as Estimators and Watchers

  1. Click Next to continue entering the details

Create Plannning Session 1.png

  1. Select the type of the Series to determine the estimation values : you can choose between Fibonacci (Values: 1,2,3,5,8) or T shirt (Values: S,M,L,XL)

Create Plannning Session 2.png

  1. Select the Boards you would like include in the Planning Session. It is possible to select multiple boards.

Only Main Boards can be added. Private and Sharable Boards cannot be added and hence will not be displayed here in the dropdown

  1. Based on the Boards selection, the items appear as checklists.

  2. Once the items have been selected, click Create Session.

Create Plannning Session 3.png

  1. Your first Planning Session has now been created.

Once a Planning Session is created it cannot be edited

Create Plannning Session 4.png

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