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Estimating an Item in Asynchronous Mode

In Asynchronous mode, the estimators can estimate at their own pace.

  1. Once you are in a Planning Session, the items to be estimated will be displayed on the right under the Planning Backlog

  2. Each item is presented in the form of a card, featuring the item name and any associated document comments. Navigate to different items in the Planning Session by clicking the arrow > next to the card.

  3. The current mode, which is Asynchronous in this case, is prominently displayed at the top.

  4. Members of the team who are yet to vote are listed in the Pending section.

  5. Team members who have cast their votes are moved to the Voted List.

  6. Participants can cast their votes by adjusting the slider to their desired selection.

  7. Once all estimators have cast their votes, the creator clicks on Finalize Individual Voting and the planning session transitions to Synchronous Mode. Now all estimators and the creator convene together in the synchronous mode to Finalize the Estimation.

Async Planning Session.png

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